
Student web hosting

Student web hosting can really give you that professional edge when you are starting university and submitting assignments.

University is a fantastic opportunity. A great place to not only meet people but really put your cards on the table. To show the world what you are made of. I remember the days fondly. I graduated a few years ago with a first class degree and having the opportunity to meet a lot of fantastic people, from the students to the lecturers and everyone in-between.

In the computing department at the university, it was very rare that a student left a computer without a USB drive plugged in. With the days of google drive, one drive or student web hosting this was a massive surprise to me. I frequently wondered why you would even use a USB stick in this day and age.

Bring on the student web hosting, in this case, it was provided by the students and staff (Education host). Having this resource at your fingertips is a massive benefit. To have hard drive space with automated backups. To not only store your assignments but also a website address that you can access from anywhere free with your account. It just makes submission of assignments so easy! You simply add your files to your public_html folder and submit the assignment. You can upload a site to, include this in your assignment and then your lecturer could see this work.

During my time at university and having space to store and publish files and site really made sense and made life a lot easier. Industry leading tools such as cPanel and hundreds of one click installs really made things quick and easy. Installing WordPress for an assignment took only one click and I was up and running with a address to include in my assignment in minutes.

Education provided the platform to support you in your studies. Best of all, it’s not only FREE for 30 days.. not only that, its cheap as chips after that!